• You don't want to retrieve prepared graphics, but raw data that you either want to process further or present in a way that best suits your application?
  • Would you like to retrieve a larger number of weather variables?
  • Would you like to be able to retrieve more time steps per day and over a longer period of time?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then the Weather API is right for you:

  • You can easily retrieve raw weather data via the Weather API at the start address "https://weather.openportguide.org/api/"
  • A detailed description with the possibility to test individual functions of the API can be found at "https://weather.openportguide.org/api/docs" or "https://weather.openportguide.org/api/redoc"
  • Over 60 different weather variabless are currently available, depending on the weather model in hourly time steps for the first three days and steps of three hours for days 4-10.
  • The values of the data grid, interpolated values for each position, the values as an array for an entire area or any combination of weather variabless for any location and a freely selectable combination of time steps can be selected.